For about 100 years Progressives have been pushing their racist platitudes and policies beginning as far back as the segregation President, Woodrow Wilson. Others of that time period, like Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger, have promoted methods for actively decreasing the Black population through sterilization, and in turn, the voice of African-Americans. Over the years the liberal agenda has worked to coopt African-Americans into the Democratic Party through pushing a defeated message of “You can’t get by on your own,” and “only the Democratic Party helps African-Americans.” Despite their message of comfort, they have done everything they can, with the help of Major Media, to convince African-Americans that only the government can help them succeed. However, this could not be further from the truth.

It was President Abraham Lincoln from the Republican Party whose conservative values worked to free African-Americans from slavery. It is also conservative values that were at work in the 1960’s to push for civil rights and for African-Americans to have the right to vote. However, since then, liberals in Washington DC and the Media have continued the template of defeatism toward African-Americans in order to try to maintain voter influence over their population. This continues even today.

African-Americans have also reached their own breaking point with Washington DC and the Media’s continued attempt to speak for them. This was reflected in the 1-1.5 million African-Americans that voted for George W. Bush during his elections. More importantly, this was reflected in the 800,000 African-Americans who voted for John McCain over the Black presidential candidate, Barack Obama. It is this absence of representation for African-American conservatives that sparked the birth of the social network 2 years ago.

After enjoying a growing population of their social network to over 800 members, on Saturday, August 13th, 2011 held their first ever 3-day national conference at the Crown Plaza Hotel in St.Louis, Missouri. St.Louis has had a rich history in the civil rights movement and was also one of the last stops on the Underground Railroad before the Slave Free state of Illinois. St.Louis made quite a fitting location as African-Americans once again take a stand for freedom and conservative values against the liberal policies and promotions that destroy families, promote life-long welfare, selective, historical education, and much more. describes their Mission in 3 parts:

1. “…to have a centralized meeting place for African-Americans to network, share ideas, and let the closet conservatives among us know that they are NOT ALONE.”

2. “…to grow a true grassroots movement, unbureaucratic organization that will be a needed force on the national scene to advance our agenda within the national debate.”

3. “…to find tomorrow’s future leaders and candidates for elected office at the local, state, and federal levels.’s 527 PAC will provide the infrastructure for the moral and financial support necessary so that these candidates can wage credible, winning campaigns.”

They also describe their 5 founding principles as such:

Renewing our Economy – Our goal is to empower the African American people by expanding employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Health Care Reform
– Health care is a personal issue, and informed individuals can make better decisions about their own care than government.

Securing our borders – We need to gain control of our borders and enforce our immigration laws while encouraging legal immigrants who come seeking the American Dream.

Education – Education, while a national priority, is a local responsibility. We believe that parents, teachers, and local school boards are the key to true education reform — not big government. We support school choice initiatives such as vouchers, charters schools and homeschooling.

Strengthening our families – We uphold and respect traditional institutions such as marriage between a man and a woman. We are committed to protecting the life of innocents from conception through the infirmities of age. This value must be nurtured in both our culture and our laws.

The “Meet Me in St.Louis” Conference event consisted of:

Saturday was wrapped up with a blacktie banquet and the fabulous and inspiring presence of Star Parker. The evening was truly history in the making. The conference was topped off on Sunday morning with a Prayer Breakfast leaving everyone with much to reflect upon. More photos from the conference can be seen on’s community website.

Some of St.Louis’ local area conservative bloggers were also in attendance including, Jim Hoft from Gateway Pundit and Darin Morley of Reboot Congress, to provide video and photos of some of the speakers as well. aims to become a beacon for African-Americans who value individual freedoms, the traditional institute of the family, and building a strong country on moral values and free enterprise. The inspiring words by all the wonderful speakers gave me great hope for the future, and I am truly honored to have shared this historic event that has made a very strong beginning.