[audio: http://newledger.com/podcasts/CoffeeandMarkets102011.mp3]

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On today’s edition of Coffee and Markets, Brad Jackson and Elizabeth Blackney are joined by Aaron Blake to discuss the attacks on Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan and the Rick Perry vs. Mitt Romney battle royale from Las Vegas. Then we’ll talk about Herman Cain’s pro-life but pro-choice abortion position, and the winners and losers from the last fundraising quarter.

We’re brought to you as always by BigGovernment and Stephen Clouse and Associates. If you’d like to email us, you can do so at coffee[at]newledger.com. We hope you enjoy the show.

Related Links:

Mitt Romney no longer the Teflon candidate

Herman Cain Tells Piers Morgan That He Is Anti-Abortion, Yet Pro-Choice?

“Mitt Romney’s Lying Problem”

Brutal new Romney ad: Rick Perry’s a moron; Update: Romney pulls ad

Elizabeth Warren, Ron Paul and ‘supercommittee’ members big winners in the third-quarter fundraising wars

The role of delegates in the presidential campaign, explained

Aaron Blake at the Washington Post

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The hosts and guests of Coffee and Markets speak only for ourselves, not any clients or employers.