Big Labor has another opportunity to show employers and employees their level of control over the state of Indiana. And, apparently the show starts this week as union officials promise to bring union activists by forced-dues-financed busloads into Indianapolis to intimidate, disrupt, and generally throw a collective tantrum against the simple notion that Hoosiers should no longer be forced to pay tributes to union bosses in order to get or keep a job.

The nation will watch as Big Labor Democrats will likely flee to Illinois again in 2012 rather than allow their constituents the right to pay or not pay union fees without the threat of losing their jobs.

And employers from Illinois to Ohio will be watching to decide if they can stay in the Midwest or even remain in the U.S.

Indiana is located at one of the crossroads of America, and it has the opportunity to become a free state where workers can no longer be forced into union servitude. Indiana has the opportunity to become the anchor that saves Midwest economic viability.

The Right To Work decision in Indiana may become the first and most important political decision made in 2012. And, it’s a simple choice: live free or under union boss compulsion.