Obviously, the American Conservative Union (ACU) didn’t get the memo. After all, Governor Palin is irrelevant, donchaknow. At least that’s what the mainstream media told me, and the mainstream media never lies.

Was that the sound of Katie Couric’s head exploding I just heard … from the set of the old Geraldo show?

The other news is that this will be the Governor’s first ever appearance at the annual three-day DC gathering of thousands of grassroots conservatives from all over the country, and the timing couldn’t be better. ACU Chairman Al Cardenas sums up why perfectly in today’s announcement:

“Few national conservative leaders in America today energize and inspire our grassroots activists like Governor Sarah Palin. Her strong record of leadership, championing of our shared principles and magnetic personality have made Sarah Palin a hero to millions of conservatives across the country.”

It would be hard to argue that the Governor’s tireless championing of the Tea Party movement combined with her presence on the campaign trail didn’t have an energizing effect on the turnout that helped to deliver the GOP’s record gains in the crucial 2010 mid-terms. No one doubts that we’re going to need that energy again in 2012 — and then some. February 9 – 12 at CPAC is where so much will begin and Governor Palin is an excellent choice to close the conference and send the grassroots home fired up and ready to go to work.

The entire line up is impressive, a chance to see some of our stars in person, as well as a number of our GOP presidential candidates. Other featured speakers include Ann Coulter, Senators Jim DeMint and Marco Rubio, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Governors Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney, Congressmen Jim Jordan, Steve King, Paul Ryan and Allen West, former Senator Rick Santorum, Governor Scott Walker, filmmaker Steve Bannon and more.

Here are few more specifics from today’s announcement:

The American Conservative Union (ACU) today announced former Vice Presidential candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will deliver a special keynote address at CPAC 2012 – the 39th annual Conservative Political Action Conference. America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists will be held Thursday, February 9 – Saturday, February 11, 2012, in Washington, DC. The FOX News contributor and New York Times bestselling author will conclude the three-day event, a slot occupied by Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and U.S. Congressman Allen West in the past three years.

Read the full announcement here.