Thus far this obscene story has only bubbled up in left-wing fever swamps like Raw Story and Gawker, but that’s usually where it begins before the corrupt mainstream media amplifies it into the news cycle with absurd fig leafs, such as:

“Questions have arisen…”

“There’s an Internet controversy…”

“Today, GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum denied using the N-word…”

And then from there, the same MSM that refuses to dig into Fast and Furious, Obama-supporter Tom Hanks’ blackface incident, or anything having to do with the growing pile of falsehoods surrounding Obama’s reelection propaganda video, will smear and malign a good man because some leftist is pretending to be able to read minds.

You don’t need to watch the video below to know this meme is absurd; you need only know the character of Rick Santorum. But watch it anyway and please tell me how anyone but a mean-spirited, left-wing character assassin could publicly speculate that Santorum might have been on the verge of saying … what exactly? “Government n*gger.”

That doesn’t even make sense. 

What does make sense is that Santorum lost his train of thought and then tried to get back on track by jumping from a word that started with “N” to another that started with “G,” before giving up.

So here’s a list of words that start with the letters “N” and “G.” Leftists might be surprised to discover that there are literally thousands of words Santorum might have been grasping for that are not the worst word in the English language.  

The desperation on the Left is palpable. Obama’s been community organizing America for two months now and today his Gallup approval rating dropped to 46%.

As the GOP coalesces around Mitt Romney and, one after another, these divisive reelection tactics meant to stoke anger and hatred fail, you can always count on the left to come up with another transparently desperate attempt to froth up their base and distract America from having a conversation about this failed President’s failed record.

The only question now is whether or not the mainstream media jump in the fever swamp.