True the Vote, America’s leading grassroots, nonprofit and nonpartisan anti-voter fraud effort, is holding its national summit on April 27th-28th at its Houston, Texas headquarters. 

The group’s founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, has lined up many of the foremost experts and activists in the field to speak and train citizens to begin participating in their efforts to hold government accountable and secure free and fair elections.

The speakers and trainers include Rep. Artur Davis, James O’Keefe, Patt Caddell, John Fund, Christian Adams, Anita Moncrief, Hans Von Spakovsky, and Tom Fitton. With nationally recognized accomplishments and expertise, the speakers and the conference are bound to deliver a punch to those groups that would undermine our nation’s election system.

The debate over Voter ID and preventing election fraud has been a hotly contested issue in recent months. and all interested parties are encouraged to attend to learn the facts and what can be done to secure our election system. 

Register here.