MADISON, Wis., June 2 (UPI) —
A local official says thousands of requests for absentee ballots suggest the turnout will be high in Tuesday’s recall election for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

Appleton City Clerk Charlene Petersen told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel she already had 3,000 absentee ballots in hand. In the 2010 governor’s race, 2,000 people voted by absentee ballot in the city of 78,000, while more than 10,000 did so in the 2008 presidential race.

She predicted turnout higher than 2010, which also pitted the Republican Walker against Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. Local election officials have suggested turnout might approach presidential levels, although that seems unlikely in Appleton.

Walker told supporters he expects Tuesday’s vote to hinge on turnout. At a breakfast in Rock County, he said he planned to spend the weekend traveling Wisconsin, reaching out to the few voters who have not already made up their minds.

Walker’s lieutenant governor, Rebecca Kleefisch, also faces a recall as do several state senators.

The recall, seen as a preview of the November presidential election, has attracted a lot of money and attention from out of state with Walker, especially, getting a lot of money from outside Wisconsin. Reince Priebus, head of the Republican National Committee, addressed a rally of Tea Party supporters Saturday, the Journal Sentinel said.

While Obama has kept his distance from Wisconsin, former President Bill Clinton stumped for Barrett Friday.