A new iPhone app released Thursday by fiscal conservative group Public Notice aims to put wasteful spending in the spotlight, just as debate surrounding the fiscal cliff heats up.

According to a release, the app “geographically targets users’ newsfeeds to ensure they are informed of the latest national and local news on government spending and budget issues.” 

The app also allows users to highlight examples identified by them of outrageous spending and waste by enabling them to “upload photos or videos of wasteful spending examples in their communities.”

 A representative of Public Notice indicated that those photographic examples are likely to be leveraged by the group on its blog, and in making the case for responsible spending.

Public Notice hopes the app will be used by activists concerned about spending issues, noting that it will enable “a two-way flow of information” and “energize Americans to be active participants in the national conversation on spending rather than passive observers.”

The app is available now in the iTunes store.