One of President Obama’s campaign pledges in 2008 was to end childhood hunger in America by 2015. In order to meet that goal, a group of organizations (such as the NEA and the National Association of Elementary School Principals) formed an outfit called Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom. Initial funding for the project was provided by the WalMart Foundation.

The program began under the radar in smaller school districts around the country in 2010. Students who previously may not have qualified for free or reduced meals could now join with needy students to be served breakfast – not in the cafeteria – but in the classroom. In this way, school districts claim, the poor are not singled out.

School district pamphlets tout that the program should only take a few minutes of instructional time in exchange for well fed kids who do better on tests, learn more and are healthier and happier. Parental responsibility for their own children is never mentioned. “Mommy Government” will do all the work for them.

Of course, there are side benefits as well. The District’s website states that: LAUSD Schools missed out on $107 million in additional federal meal reimbursements during 2009‐10 due to low school breakfast participation. That is, if the additional 361,784 students who qualify for a FRP meal participated daily would mean an additional revenue of $615,000 per day!”

Gee, the next thing you know there will be calls for more so-called freebies at school. Unlikely, you say? According to a USA Today article (9/15/2010), “… the next step in helping hungry children is to move beyond the school day.  Like other schools, Pueblo has a program that sends bags of food home with needy kids on Friday to get them through the weekend. Kidd [a school nutritional director] would like to add an after-school supper program, and start farmers markets at schools located in “food deserts,” neighborhoods without food stores.”

At this rate, why do children need parents at all?