Brent Bozell, Chairman of ForAmerica, a conservative political action committee, is not very pleased with Karl Rove and his plan to campaign against GOP candidates whom he deems “unelectable” due to their tea party connections.  

Bozell joined me and co-host Brian Wilson on WMAL-FM’s “Mornings on the Mall” Tuesday morning to push back against Rove’s plan.  He was particularly annoyed at Rove and partner Steven Law invoking William F. Buckley’s famous rule: “Support the most conservative candidate who is electable.”  Bozell has a unique perspective on Rove’s use of the Buckley Rule considering he is the late conservative icon’s nephew.  

Listen as he hammers Rove and details his belief that the real reason behind recent Republican losses is the attempt to nominate “electable” moderate, non-conservatives:  
