Breitbart News will have a full presence at CPAC on Thursday, when the annual conservative conference kicks off at National Harbor. Larry Solov, Steve Bannon, Joel Pollak, Ben Shapiro, Kerry Pickett, Matthew Boyle, Brandon Darby, and Mandy Nagy will be on various panels throughout the day as conservatives gather for conference. 

12 p.m. — Screening of “District of Corruption” Movie — Location: National Harbor 5

Stephen K. Bannon wrote and directed the movie, which spotlights the battle against government scandal, secrecy, and corruption, and how the Obama administration in particular has been one of the most corrupt and least secretive administrations in history.

Bannon, Peter Schweizer, president of the nonpartisan Government Accountability Institute, Breitbart News’ Kerry Pickett and Matthew Boyle, and ACORN whistleblower Anita Moncrief will be on a panel discussing issues the film highlights. The event is sponsored by Judicial Watch, which co-produced the movie, and is open to all CPAC attendees. 

1:45 p.m. –“Benghazi and Its Aftermath: U.S. Middle East and Southwest Asia Policy — Location: Potomac Ballroom 

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak will be on a panel to discuss how the Benghazi scandal will influence U.S. policy in the region. Pollak has led Breitbart News’ fierce coverage of recent events in the Middle East, helping debunk the Obama administration’s initial claims that an anti-Islam video led to the riots at the U.S. consulate and the administration was not aware that the attacks that led to the murder of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were acts of terror. 

3 p.m.  –“Should We Shoot all the Consultants Now?” — Location: National Harbor 2-3

Pat Caddell, the pollster who has written extensively about the corrupting role of consultants for Breitbart News, will be on a panel discussing this issue along with Brian Baker, president of Ending Spending Action Fund, Morton Blackwell, president of The Leadership Institute, and Jeff Roe, who founded Axiom Strategies. 

4 p.m. Special Event: A Tribute to Andrew Breitbart — Location: Chesapeake 4-6

Andrew Breitbart saw what really was behind the Occupy movement before most. After the screening of“Occupy Unmasked,” the film starring Andrew Breitbart and directed by Stephen K. Bannon that exposes how the Occupy Movement was a coordinated effort by the institutional left to gain power and influence, Bannon will be on a panel with Larry Solov, Lee Stranahan, Brandon Darby, Anita Moncrief, and Mandy Nagy.  

The event is sponsored by Citizens United and is open to all CPAC attendees. 

5 p.m. –“Stop THIS: Threats, Harassment, Intimidation, Slander & Bullying from the Obama Administration” — Location: National Harbor 2-3 

Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro, the author of  Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americawill be on a panel discussing how the Obama administration and liberals use bullying tactics to stifle debate, silence conservatives and advance their leftist agendas. 

5:15 p.m.  — “The Legacy of Andrew Breitbart” — Location: Chesapeake 4-6 

Breitbart News CEO and Executive Producer Larry Solov, Director Steve Bannon, and Producer David Bossie will discuss  “The Legacy of Andrew Breitbart.” One year after his tragic passing, Andrew Breitbart’s impactcontinues to be felt among conservatives and his ideas and vision continue to influence the nation, culture and help conservatives shape the narrative the mainstream media no longer has a monopoly over in the new media age.

5:45 p.m. — Cocktail Reception “Honoring the Life of Andrew Breitbart” — Chesapeake 4-6

Citizens United will hold a cocktail reception honoring Andrew Breitbart’s legacy — will be open to all CPAC attendees. CPAC attendees will have the opportunity to not only discuss Breitbart’s enduring legacy, but meet the Breitbart News team.