Breitbart News had a tremendous presence at CPAC on Thursday, which culminated with an announcement that Breitbart News will host “The Uninvited”, on Saturday from 1 p.m – 3 p.m  in National Harbor rooms 4-5. The bold, two-hour discussion will touch on controversial topics like illegal immigration and radical Islam with speakers such as Pamela Geller and former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey and will be heavy on audience participation to encourage as many voices as possible in the debate. 

On Thursday at annual conference, Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak addressed CPAC to break down President Barack Obama’s attacks on the First Amendment immediately after the Benghazi scandal and America’s foreign policy after Libya. Andrew Breitbart’s legacy was discussed and tributes and cocktail parties in his honor were held throughout the afternoon and evening at CPAC. Larry Solov and Steve Bannon led discussions about Breitbart’s enduring legacy and the conservative movement he continues to influence. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) paid tribute to the late media mogul Andrew Breitbart at Blog Bash. 

Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Larry O’Connor interviewed a host of people–like Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots–about where the conservative movement is going. Pat Caddell blistered Republican consultants and what he called their racketeering on a panel. Breitbart News’s Kerry Pickett and Matthew Boyle, along with director Stephen K. Bannon, were on a panel discussing Bannon’s blockbuster movie, “District of Corruption.” And Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro electrified CPAC while discussing how the Obama administration, the mainstream media, and the institutional left bullies conservatives to silence and threaten them so liberals can advance their political agendas. 

Here are some of the events on Friday that will feature Breitbart News editors and reporters:

10:00 a.m. — Movie Screening: “The Hope & The Change” —  Location: Chesapeake 4-6

Stephen K. Bannon and Pat Caddell interviewed 40 registered Democrat and Independent Obama voters from 2012 swing states. These Reagan Democrats voted for Obama in 2008 and said they would not do so in 2012. The movie was described as the most powerful documentary of the 2012 election cycle that had the best chance to persuade Reagan Democrats to vote for Republicans. Fox News host Sean Hannity also called it the most powerful documentary he had ever seen. The movie was not utilized, though, by the current Republican establishment, especially in the key battleground states, nearly all of which Republicans lost. 

10:30 a.m. — “Hot Issues: Electing Integrity, Immigration and the Rule of Law, Washington Corruption, Perils to the Constitution from an Imperial Presidency” — National Harbor 2 

Breitbart News has been at the forefront in documenting issues of voter fraud and trying to check President Barack Obama’s imperial presidency, and Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak will be on a panel discussing these issues along with J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department official who is now at the Election Law Center and is one of the foremost authorities on voter fraud and election integrity issues. 

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton will moderate the panel.  

10:45 a.m. — “The 11th Annual Blogger Awards” — Chesapeake D-F

Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Larry O’Connor will join others –like Fox News Contributor and author Jedediah Bila — in presenting various awards and honors to conservative bloggers. 

3 p.m. — “Getting Hollywood Right” — Location: National Harbor 4-5

Pat Caddell, who has produced and written for shows like “The West Wing” and “Air Force One” will be on a panel discussing importance of entertainment and culture and how often Hollywood and politics intersect. Andrew Marcus, the director of “Hating Breitbart” will also be on the panel. 

5 p.m. “Free at Last! When the Right to Work Came Back to the Midwest” — Location National Harbor 2-3 

Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro, the author of Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americanswill be on this panel discussing the importance of Right to Work laws with other experts like Mallory Factor and representatives from National Right to Work and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. 


1 p.m – 3 p.m. Saturday, March 16, 2013 — “The Uninvited” — Location: National Harbor 4-5

Larry Solov, CEO and President of Breitbart News Network, Stephen K. Bannon, Executive Chairman of Breitbart News Network, along with Breitbart News Managing Editor Alex Marlow, Editors-at-Large Ben Shapiro Larry O’Connor, will moderate and participate in panels, with an emphasis on audience participation in order to have more voices–on controversial topics such as: Crony Capitalism, Global Jihad, Illegal Immigration, the ongoing global persecution of Christians, and the gutting of the American Military.

Speakers will include Former Attorney General of the United States Michael Mukasey, Peter Schweizer, president of the nonpartisan Government Accountability Institute and bestselling New York Times author, Robert Spencer, Dan Goure, Nina Shea, Rosemary Jenks, Frank Gaffney, and Pamela Geller.