Government Accountability Institute (GAI) president Peter Schweizer called for a lifetime ban on lobbying for members of Congress and their family members during Breitbart News Network’s “The Uninvited” panel at CPAC on Saturday.

If conservatives are to be serious about reforming Washington and undercutting the permanent political class, Schweizer said members of Congress can never lobby once they leave public service. He also said their family members should never work as lobbyists, period.

Schweizer said that would lead members of Congress to actually “represent the people” instead of the businesses and special interests that essentially buy off lawmakers.

Schweizer said government continues to grow, even under Republican presidents like George W. Bush, because it is “profitable” for government to grow. The GAI leader said conservatives need to rethink how they approach their messaging if they want to change Washington. 

“As conservatives, we are not pro-business,” Schweizer said. “We are pro-Free Markets. There is a difference.”