The campaign of presumptive Democratic Gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe has recruited members of Occupy Roanoke to conduct a “counter” protest at a Roanoke campaign event for Republican Gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli on Monday.

Late Sunday, this message was posted at Occupy Roanoke’s Facebook page:

The Cooch is coming to Roanoke tomorrow and the McAuliffe people are looking for some “counter” people. (emphasis added)

They are meeting at 10:15 tomorrow in the parking lot of Sam’s Club in Roanoke, right by the gas station. Then they will go across the street. 

No need to bring anything, they’ve got the signs covered. (emphasis added)

We need to get out there and let them know we want no part of him or EW Jackson!

Occupy Roanoke is on record opposing “fat cats” and lobbyists. Terry McAuliffe made his fortune on his connections to the Clinton administration as one of the most prominent lobbyists and crony capitalists in the country.

The Occupy movement was always about supporting the Democrat party. Their partnership with McAuliffe, who pioneered bundling political donations and famously auctioned off stays in the Lincoln bedroom, is a welcome admission of that fact.