The bad news keeps piling up for our besieged president. A stagnant, jobless recovery; a collection of growing scandals (despite with the media tells you), the increasing unpopularity of ObamaCare, and his sowing seeds of racial division with the George Zimmerman case are apparently taking a toll in a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll that shows Obama upside down with a 45% – 50% approve/disapprove rating. This is the president’s worst showing in two years.

The Hill points out that this is a near-record low for the president.

The poll is also in line with a number of other recent polls, and is almost perfectly in line with the Real Clear Politics average of polls that show Obama upside down at 44.8% – 49.3%.

This drop in approval might explain the president’s decision to “pivot” to the economy for the umpteenth time, but that move is already being mocked, even by Obama’s biggest fans in the media.


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