On Friday, a spokesman for GreenTech Automotive, the company Virginia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe served as chairman from 2010 to 2012, confirmed to Breitbart News in an emailed statement that the company is under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission.  “GreenTech Automotive,” the official statement read, “has received a document subpoena from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and is cooperating fully with the SEC staff.” 

The Washington Post first reported on Friday that representatives of GreenTech Automotive stated they have been subpoenaed by the Securities and Exchange Commission to produce documents related to the company’s EB-5 foreign national investor program, and the company’s statement emailed to Breitbart News confirms the Post’s report.

According to the Post, “The SEC subpoenaed documents in May from GreenTech Automotive and bank records from a sister company, Gulf Coast Funds Management of McLean. The investigation is focused, at least in part, on alleged claims that the company ‘guarantees returns’ to the investors, according to government documents.”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodham, has served as President and CEO of Gulf Coast Funds Management since October 2009.

The Post reported that “[r]epresentatives of both GreenTech and Gulf Coast, which share office space in Tysons Corner, confirmed Thursday that they had received subpoenas from the SEC for documents and said they planned to cooperate with the investigation.”

A representative speaking on behalf of the McAuliffe campaign told the Post that McAuliffe “has no knowledge of any investigation.”

Breitbart News asked representatives of the McAuliffe campaign for comment, but as of the publication of this story had not received a response.