More than 200 colleges and high schools are signed up for Young America’s Foundation’s 9/11: Never Forget Project to honor the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Meanwhile, the American Muslim PAC has organized a “Muslim March” on September 11, 2013, and referred to Al Qaeda and the War on Terror as a “joke.”

The committee noted, “As the 12th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, we now know that there is nothing to fear. The whole ‘terrorist threat’ is a hoax invented by fear-mongering politicians to control our minds and pick our pockets… Al Qaeda is a joke, and so is the whole war on terror.”

As the 12th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks is quickly approaching, some have started to question the importance of remembering the tragic incidence.

After the tragedy, most Americans came together and proudly displayed patriotism toward their country, but the Left was eager to first place blame soundly on the United States.

Immediately after the terrorist attacks, University of New Mexico History Professor Richard Berthold told students, “Anyone who can blow up the Pentagon has my vote.”

Adam Goldstein, the University of Wisconsin’s former Campus Relations Committee Chairman, associated our nation’s leaders with the notorious murderers of the 20th century. His letter to the Badger Herald noted, “…before you preach at us about the evil terrorists, why don’t you try getting your facts straight and face up to the reality that our leaders are war criminals just as much as people like Hitler, Stalin and other monsters of the 20th century.”

Remarkably, students who are barely old enough to remember 9/11 are now organizing their campuses to memorialize the attacks. This year as well as in the past, university administrations have done little, if anything, to commemorate 9/11 on their campuses.

In previous years, liberal college administrations have blocked students from properly memorializing the innocents who were murdered. In 2011, the University of Virginia School of Law refused to allow students to set up a flag memorial. Without reason, Marietta College originally denied students’ request for a candlelight vigil.

The 2,977 innocent victims who were murdered on September 11, 2001, deserve to be remembered. There were 3,051 children who lost a parent. Al-Qaeda is not a “joke.” Al-Qaeda attacked American institutions because they represent Americans values. The 9/11: Never Forget Project is as much about honoring the victims of the attacks as it is honoring the American principles for which they died. 

Young America’s Foundation helps students across the country properly remember the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks through the 9/11: Never Forget Project.

Students come together to establish an American flag memorial on campus consisting of 2,977 flags representing each person tragically killed in the terrorist attacks, moments of silence, and candlelight vigils across the country.

Young America’s Foundation President Ron Robinson said, “We started this project in 2003 when 9/11 was still a recent memory. Today’s college and high school students were between three and eleven-years-old when radical jihadists viciously attacked our nation on September 11, 2001. As students become less personally connected to the events of 9/11, the more important Young America’s Foundation’s 9/11: Never Forget Project becomes.”

By participating in the 9/11: Never Forget Project, students will ensure their peers remember the horrific events of September 11, 2001. Young people are the future, and it is crucial that they remember our history.