Fresh off Tuesday’s stunning loss in the Colorado recall election where he spent $350,000 in an unsuccessful effort to keep two pro-gun control Democrat state legislators in office, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has turned his sights on the Virginia gubernatorial race; he and Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe have had at least one face-to-face conversation about the campaign. 

According to Politico, McAuliffe met with Bloomberg in New York City in late August “to get support from the billionaire politician.”

Like Bloomberg, McAuliffe is a supporter of gun control, but those policies may be as unpopular in Virginia as they are in Colorado. McAuliffe has been more reticent about expressing his gun control views in his 2013 run for governor than he was in his unsuccessful 2009 bid.

In an August 6 interview with Breitbart News, McAuliffe refused to answer a question about his position on a proposed assault weapons ban:

The Democrat candidate for Virginia Governor would not say if he supported a ban on “assault weapons” on Monday. Terry McAuliffe said that he was for “common sense” reforms in gun legislation and that he’s “always said” background checks should be mandatory. “I’ve done it myself,” he said. When asked to clarify his position, considering Virginia already requires background checks with gun purchases, McAuliffe left the press avail without answering the question.

McAuliffe’s response to that question, his meeting with Bloomberg in New York City, and Bloomberg’s desire for a comeback for his gun control campaign after the stinging loss in Colorado have all fueled speculation that Bloomberg will provide financial support for McAuliffe’s gubernatorial campaign in return for McAuliffe’s adoption of Bloomberg’s anti-gun rights policies.