Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin blasted the Republican establishment at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. on Friday, calling the way the federal government is currently operating a “soft tyranny.” 

Levin accused them of spending more time attacking conservatives who are fighting a federal government rife with crony capitalism than in becoming more accountable to the American people.

Levin said there is a problem with the government when there are only a “handful of conservatives defending this nation against Obamacare” on the Senate floor. He said something is wrong with the Republicans when “[conservatives] are under brutal assault in their own party.”

“When Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul are the exception, something is wrong in that party,” Levin declared. 

Saying he did not believe “Washington intends to reform itself,” Levin said conservatives have to accept that the Republican Party today is not the Reagan Republican Party or the party of Barry Goldwater. Levin mentioned his support for Reagan in the monumental 1976 and 1980 Republican presidential primaries and his work in the Reagan administration’s Justice Department. 

He called the current Republican party the “status quo, neo-statist” party.

He again said that when “young men who won primaries against the establishment in Texas, Utah, and Kentucky” stand up against the leaders because the “old bulls” who have been around for decades “will not act on our behalf,” all the “firepower” of the Republican establishment is directed at these young men. Levin blasted the Republican establishment for trashing conservatives like Cruz, Lee, and Paul in the New York Times and other mainstream outlets. 

He called it “unacceptable” and said conservatives need to “make it clear to these politicians” in the Republican establishment that such actions will not be tolerated.