A new ad released October 24 by Fight For Tomorrow claims “Terry McAuliffe will say anything to get elected,” and highlights the Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate’s tendency toward hypocrisy.

Among McAuliffe’s claims featured in the ad are:

  • He would provide Virginia with 2,000 jobs building cars (Washington Post (9/10/13) said GreenTech employs only 10 in Virginia).
  • He urged voters in a past speech not to take a chance on someone who has never held public office (McAuliffe himself has never been elected).
  • He denounced “way too much money in politics,” but admitted raising $300-$400 million for Democrats – so much that “I stopped keeping track.”

A one-minute version of the ad will be shown on TV.

According to Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner, Fight For Tomorrow executive director Matt Mackowiak said, “Since the elite media completely refuses to hold huckster Terry McAuliffe accountable, Fight For Tomorrow will. This ad is powerful because we say nothing; we let Terry’s lifetime of false statements and broken promises tell the story.”

At the end of the video ad is a July 9, 2012 New York Times quote from former President Clinton, a McAuliffe mentor, who said, “I would buy a new car from Terry, but a used car? I am not so sure about a used car.”