Tuesday night CNN reported that ObamaCare is already worsening the health care for residents all over the country. The ObamaCare marketplace offers a limited menu of insurance providers, and some local hospitals and doctors do not accept them. For instance, in Concord, New Hampshire, the local hospital does not accept any marketplace policies. The closest hospital that does is 25 miles away.

Many of the people facing this frustration are the victims of President Obama’s repeated reassurance that if you like your insurance you can keep it. That promise turned out to be a lie:

Concord is not the only New Hampshire city with a limited network of providers. Portsmouth’s hospital isn’t taking the insurance either. And only one of the two major hospitals in Nashua is in-network, according to Harte.

“That’s a big frustration to my clients who heard their President promise that if you like your doctor you can keep them,” Harte said. “Sure, you can keep them if you pay cash for their services. But if you want your new insurance to cover that doctor visit, forget it. You’re going to have to switch.”

In selling his health care plan to the nation, President Barack Obama did offer a “guarantee” that “if you’ve got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor.”

While we should be grateful that the mainstream media are covering the rolling ObamaCare fallout, this problem, as well as many others, was predictable. But those of us who predicted limited care, millions losing their insurance, and increased premium prices, were dismissed by this same media as liars–and even racists.


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