A Washington Post 2013 exit poll published Tuesday revealed that 30 percent of Viriginians who are pro-life category voted for Terry McAuliffe for governor.

Of those polled, 13 percent of Virginians who believe abortion should be “illegal in all cases” voted for Terry McAuliffe, as did 17 percent of those who believe abortion should be illegal in most cases.

In September, McAuliffe was caught on tape saying that, if elected, he would issue a directive to unilaterally allow abortion clinics that do not meet state health standards to remain open.

Planned Parenthood Votes, a SuperPAC run by the nation’s largest abortion provider, devoted almost all of its cash to ads attacking Virginia’s pro-life Republican candidate, Ken Cuccinelli. Over $1 million was spent in October on its most recent anti-Cuccinelli ad, depicting him as “extremely dangerous for women” because he sought restrictions on abortion-on-demand.

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards called defeating Cuccinelli a “top priority” of Planned Parenthood.