On Wednesday, the White House’s Chief Technology Officer said he would not consider an item in his online shopping cart on Amazon.com to be “a sale.”

This week, the Obama administration, though, said it would count healthcare plans put in online shopping carts as “enrollments” in its tally of the number of “enrollees” in Obamacare. 

“In the data that will be released this week, ‘enrollment’ will measure people who have filled out an application and selected a qualified health plan in the marketplace,” an administration official told the Washington Post.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) asked Chief Technology Official Todd Park, during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, whether Park shops on Amazon.com and eBay. 

Park said he shops on Amazon but has not shopped on eBay, which he said his wife uses. Chaffetz asked him if putting items in an Amazon.com cart was considered a sale. 

“No,” Park replied.