Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the hapless, goalpost-shifting so-called “architect” of Obamacare, told Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday that President Barack Obama’s promise “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” was absolutely true–with one important caveat: if you like your doctor, “you can pay for it.”

Wallace grilled Dr. Emanuel, challenging his false claims that California’s enrollment was keeping pace with the percentage of the young population necessary to keep the system afloat, and pointing out that the president’s promise on doctors would collapse once people lost their insurance or their doctors refused to participate.

Dr. Emanuel tried to defend Obamacare, claiming that “No one guaranteed you that your premium wouldn’t increase”–ignoring the president’s repeated promise that health insurance premiums could drop by as much as $2500. He tried to claim that Obamacare’s “glitches” were similar to those of popular devices like the iPhone.

“No one has launched a big PR campaign to get these people signed up,” said Dr. Emanuel, blaming the website troubles that have plagued healthcare.gov–though he himself cited the need for such a campaign in May, long before the website’s problems were widely known. There are just a few weeks left to the Dec. 23 deadline.