LOUISVILLE, Kentucky–Speaking at Saturday’s FreePAC Kentucky gathering sponsored by FreedomWorks, talk radio host Glenn Beck said of Matt Bevin, the Tea Party-endorsed challenger to Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), “I believe that man was called of God.”

Beck’s speech was wildly popular with the 2,000 grassroots activists who attended the event. Many of them carried red and white “Matt Bevin for Senate” signs in preparation for next month’s Kentucky GOP primary.

Beck also said that Mitch McConnell was as great a danger to the country as Barack Obama.

Beck built his 35-minute speech around half a dozen artifacts of American and world history, which he displayed on stage with the assistance of a young woman wearing curator’s gloves. The artifacts included a compass used by George Washington, a microphone used by Tokyo Rose, Walt Disney’s original prospectus for Disneyland, and patches worn by Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II.