New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will court Christian conservatives later this month at the annual “Road to Majority” conference in Washington, D.C.

This year’s conference will feature many other potential 2016 candidates including Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Rand Paul, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Rep. Paul Ryan, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Former Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Sen. Rick Santorum.

The three-day conference, sponsored by the “Faith and Freedom” coalition, begins June 19 and is expected to draw up to 2,000 Christian conservatives to the Omni Shoreham hotel in Washington.

Christie remains quiet about his presidential ambitions, but the visit to the “Road to Majority” conference demonstrates a commitment to reach out to conservative groups, should he decide to run.

In contrast to his moderate stances on other issues, Christie has carefully maintained a record as a pro-life governor in a blue state who cut taxpayer funds from Planned Parenthood.

In March, Christie touted his principals during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, another important stop for Republican presidential candidates.