North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis will oppose any nominee to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder who doesn’t explicitly reject President Obama’s planned executive amnesty, his spokesman told Breitbart News. Tillis spokesman Daniel Keylin said in an email:

President Obama has already stated his intent to violate the law by implementing executive amnesty after November’s election. Thom would oppose any Attorney General nominee who would let him do it. This is exactly the kind of situation for which our Founding Fathers created separation of powers and the Senate’s advice and consent power for appointments. While Kay Hagan supports amnesty and has rubber-stamped President Obama’s liberal nominees, Thom will stand against amnesty and work to secure our borders.

Tillis is challenging Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) in November’s general election. His move to back this play, first put forward by Senate Budget Committee ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), makes him the first GOP candidate nationwide to use the Holder replacement-immigration connection on the campaign trail. Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell supports Sessions’ call, as do Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rand Paul (R-KY), and Mike Lee (R-UT). 

Tillis has, in recent weeks, zoned in on immigration and the weaknesses of America’s essentially open borders thanks to President Obama’s non-enforcement of immigration laws. When Sen. Paul was in North Carolina last week to endorse Tillis’ candidacy, he questioned how the president can secure the country when his Secret Service can’t even secure the White House from intruders–something that hit home when Secret Service director Julia Pierson resigned last week in the wake of a series of White House security lapses. He has also called on America to shut down any flights to or from Ebola-stricken countries in Africa in the wake of the first case diagnosed in the U.S., where Thomas Eric Duncan allegedly lied to immigration officials on a screening form to get a travel visa to gain legal entrance into the U.S.

Hagan’s office did not respond to a request for comment on whether she will support or oppose a Holder replacement nominee who supports the president’s planned executive amnesty.