FERGUSON, Missouri–Tempers flared late Monday night among St. Louis football fans and pro-Mike Brown supporters outside Edward Jones Dome. St. Louis Rams fans exited the stadium after    witnessing a loss to the San Francisco 49’ers.

One woman who had just exited the stadium confronted the group of protesters prompting authorities to step in and pull her back before the situation further escalated.

Another Rams fan, about ten minutes later, angrily walked up to the yelling protesters and began shouting his support for the St. Louis Police Department. The fan was pulled away from the crowd chanting “Hands up. Don’t shoot” by nearby individuals as he screamed, “St. Louis PD, baby.”

The evening capped off a series of protester-oriented events, which included storming two St. Louis area Walmarts and causing a disruption at a local upscale mall. Up to 50 arrests have been made by police during the Ferguson protesters “Weekend of Resistance.” Among those arrested over the weekend and into Monday was activist Cornel West.