In reacting to Tuesday’s bloodcurdling terrorist murders of at least 132 school children by Taliban terrorists, once again President Obama could not bring himself to mention the Taliban perpetrators by name.
Rather than waking up to the mounting existential threat of Jihadist terror, much of what presents itself as leadership in today’s Western world seems to be falling ever deeper into denial. Terror plot after foiled terror plot; successful terror attack after successful terror attack; nothing seems to arrest or even slow the descent into cultural suicide.
Even before Monday’s deadly jihadist attack on patrons at a Sydney coffee shop was over, ‘polite’ Australian society raced to show solidarity not with the victims of the terrorist attack, but rather with the Muslim community from which the jihadist murderer came. By the time the standoff had ended, tens of thousands of Australians had embraced the #illridewithyou social media campaign. A prominent Australian academic received great accolades for characterizing the social media campaign as “a blue print for how we should deal with terrorism.”
On the very day of last October’s terrorist attack against Canada’s parliament, the head of the Toronto Police Service reached out to reassure not the leaders of any of the communities targeted by Islamist terrorists in Canada, but rather Canada’s Muslim community. “We as a service are aware,” the statement read, “ that your Mosques may be vulnerable to a backlash.” Justin Trudeau, the flamboyant leader of Canada’s left-wing Liberal Party, has made himself into a media and cultural darling by attending Islamic conferences conspicuously attired in Muslim garb.  proclaimed that the man who murdered the soldier guarding Canada’s fallen soldiers while shouting “Allah Akbar” was in fact not even a Muslim.
The practice of pretending not to notice things that scream for our attention— things like suicide bombings, the targeted murders of innocent school children, beheadings, honor killings, subjugation of women, and the transformation of community mosques into Jihadist command posts– has been practiced to the point of perfection. The time was long ago reached where free peoples find themselves facing the most basic of all social tests. Do we value our way of life to take steps–any steps– necessary to defend it, or don’t we?
Canadian columnist Mark Steyn has been warning for more than a decade that it is the unprecedented affluence and physical security experienced by Western society since the end of World War II itself that has generated the very conditions that will soon put us all to the ultimate test.
Our multicultural embrace has transformed Western society into a vacuous nullity that stands for nothing and believes in nothing except our own cultural and moral inferiority. When the values and symbols of Western culture are denuded of all meaning, as modern multiculturalism has done with remarkable success, is it any wonder that those looking for something positive to affirm look someplace other than Western civilization? Those who continue to maintain the pretense that all cultures are equally worthy of respect bear ever increasing guilt for legitimizing the medieval death cult that glorifies the murder of innocent Muslim children inside Muslim schools, enslaves women, beheads hostages, burns churches, crucifies Christians and murders all who oppose them. ‘War’ has been the word used throughout human history to describe the response against hostile forces plotting the destruction of one’s society.
Yet, we can’t bring ourselves to admit what our enemies can’t stop admitting. The terrorists can’t stop talking about the Islam that motivates while our leaders can’t stop pretending that there are no such admissions. While we circle the wagons to deny the Islam of our enemies, our enemies won’t shut up about their Islam. For them, Islam is not a religion in the Western sense. It is an all encompassing human experience. Wouldn’t it be easier if we acknowledged what they acknowledge? 
Our enemies understand perfectly well why they are chopping off our heads. They know why they gun us down and send suicide bombers against us. They know that, unless we change, we will soon lose our freedom, our civilization and our world.
How is it that we refuse to identify our attackers when our attackers have no problem identifying themselves? Islamic State, Hamas, al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Boko Haram— none of them hide their goals or objectives and go to great lengths to broadcast their claims of credit for their murderous exploits. As so often in the past, President Obama labelled the Canadian terrorist attacks “senseless violence”.
Islamist terrorism is many awful, depraved, and evil things, but one thing it is not is senseless. Jihadist-inspired attacks are direct assaults against the very essence of Western society. It is the ideology of Islamist Jihad that must be targeted directly. Therefore, they are anything but “senseless.”
Do we as free people cherish our freedom enough to protect it, or don’t we? Are we willing to defend and protect our own daughters from the decades of systemic rape, forced prostitution and unspeakable abuse suffered by at least 1,400 young white girls at the hands of Muslim gangs in Rotherham, England without anyone in any position of authority saying or doing a thing about it for fear of being labelled Islamophobic? Are we too more fearful of being labelled racists than we are committed to protecting our own daughters from violent sexual abuse?
When called upon to do, will we even be able to summon the base primal skills of survival that for so many generations our culture has been trying breed out of our species? Whether we continue to pretend not to notice what threatens us will determine whether we remain free Americans, Canadians, or Australians.