Columnist Pat Buchanan and US News and World Report Chairman and Editor-in-Chief and publisher of The New York Daily News, Mort Zuckerman declared the Republican Party the winners of the year and President Obama the loser of the year on Friday’s “McLaughlin Group” 2014 Awards Special.

Buchanan said that the GOP was facing “glory days” not seen since the era of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge, with Zuckerman adding that the Republicans “came out of nowhere and won both houses of Parliament, I mean the government.”

Buchanan then argued that Obama had been “wiped out completely in the Congress,” with  “poll ratings below where they’ve been in a long, long time.” Zuckerman stated “He [Obama] was absolutely obliterated in the election, his poll numbers are down to 41%, which is about as low as it can get. He’s lost a lot of traction, both within the government and in the country, and there’s just no sense of what he stands for in terms of a public program.”

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