CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin took to Huffpo Live to discuss her recent verbal attack on 91-year-old Henry Kissinger. The debacle occurred in Congress on January 29, 2015. Benjamin and her followers began yelling “Arrest Henry Kissinger for war crimes.” The aging radical then began yelling out the names of nations where U.S. involvements occurred during Kissinger’s time as Secretary of State and foreign policy influence. The matter culminated in Senator John McCain (R-AZ) calling the yelling protesters “low-life scum.”

Benjamin told Huffpo Live, “We were appalled that Senator McCain would be calling in a tired, old war criminal….” She then proceeded to critique U.S. foreign policy during the Kissinger-era, seemingly forgetting the environment those policy decisions took place within — the Cold War.

“I thought he [McCain] was a little bit more of a polished politician than that, he lost his cool,” said Benjamin.

McCain was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam from 1967-1973. He endured torture while imprisoned for his service to the nation. Though any reasonable person might expect that yelling “war criminal” repeatedly to drown out the words of a Vietnam veteran who was a tortured prisoner of war would end up with a staunch verbal rebuke, Benjamin instead used the opportunity to express surprise and garner media attention for herself.

Watch McCain skewer CODEPINK:

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Disclosure: The author previously co-founded a relief organization that Medea Benjamin was involved in. The author also participated in direct action and protests that were organized by CODEPINK in his younger years. The author later went on to work undercover with the FBI and help stop bomb plots that were initiated by protesters who were demonstrating alongside CODEPINK in protests, most notably the left-of-center efforts to shut down the 2008 Republican National Convention. The author also participated in the film “Occupy Unmasked” and was extremely critical of CODEPINK, most notably Benjamin’s previous direct involvement with Hugo Chavez’ government in Venezuela.