Fox News Channel Host Greg Gutfeld argued that “Howard Dean is proof that a college diploma doesn’t correspond with IQ on Friday’s broadcast of “The Five.”

“Howard Dean is proof that a college diploma doesn’t correspondent with IQ. Scientifically speaking, Dean resides in the same genetic arm as an end table” he stated.

Gutfeld continued, “college has changed. You no longer learn how to think, you are told what to think. And what you end up having is people who aren’t really smart, but they think they’re smarter as they develop pointless opinions about gender and divestment. A lot of people–for me, the reason why I went to college, was a delay tactic. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, and I was scared. I didn’t want to go into the real world. And I think a majority of people use college to figure out what to do. There are rarities where there are people who know what to do and leave, and that’s what Scott Walker did. That’s what all the examples that you hear over and over again, these are people that figured it out, and 90% of life is figuring out what to do next. It’s just that [for] some people it takes four years or seven.”

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