Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin argued that if Scott Walker’s college career is scrutinized, conservatives should point to Joe Biden’s, Ted Kennedy’s, Al Gore’s, and John Kerry’s time in college on Friday.

“There are some people who do have college degrees and who are pretty stupid” he stated. And “do you really think this is a winning issue? Less than 40% of Americans between 25 and 64 have at least a two year college degree. That means 60% of Americans don’t. So is this something to run on?

He then pointed out that current Vice President Joe Biden admitted back in 1987 to plagiarism during his first year at law school.  He added that former Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) was asked to leave Harvard after paying someone else to take an exam for him.

He then talked about politicians who had not cheated at college, but had unimpressive academic performances. He quoted from an article that said Al Gore “apparently spent quite a bit of time loafing during his sophomore year,” at Harvard, including earning a D in Natural Sciences.  The article also pointed out that John Kerry received 4 Ds his Freshmen year at Yale, including one in Political Science.  Biden also performed poorly, graduating 506th out of 688 students from the University of Delaware and 76th out of 85 students from Syracuse Law.

Levin concluded by pointing out that Richard Nixon, who is strongly disliked by the left, actually performed very well in college, graduating 3rd in his class from Duke Law, and serving as President of the Duke Bar Association.

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