Sean Hannity worked up the crowd at CPAC today. He opened by throwing out his trademark footballs to the crowd and working the room.

“Our long national nightmare … is coming to an end,” Hannity said, before engaging the crowd, asking them if they are ready to help bring that about. Hannity said he hasn’t decided who he thinks the 2016 nominee should be yet, and managed a shout out to just about every possible contender.

Saying “the process starts now,” clearly Hannity considered it his job to get the audience engaged. After seven years of Obama, it was also something of a pep rally.

Hannity did eventually say he “wanted to get serious in this sense,” before talking about his parents and their desire to build a better life for their family in America. He recapped a less-than-privileged youth, saying he stood on the shoulders of “risk takers” willing to leave their country behind for a better life in America. For that, he said, he felt blessed.

In discussing today’s challenges, domestic and foreign, Hannity said: “this may be the first time in American history when our generation doesn’t leave the country better than they found it.”

He then went on to praise the King of Jordan for his response after a Jordanian pilot was burned alive … contrasting that with Barack Obama heading to the golf course shortly after the death of an American at the hands of terrorists.

Hannity’s criticism of Obama was scathing, ending by saying, “he’s going in two years.” Sean then went on to discuss what he was looking for in a Republican candidate for 2016 to replace him.

His end theme was the need to unite in trying to leave the country better than we found it, calling for the Tea Party and GOP establishment to come together to achieve some key goals.

They include defeating radical Islam, becoming energy independent as a country in five years, letting parents choose what schools to send their children to and, finally, he addressed immigration. “Let’s secure the borders first,” he added.

He closed by saying he’d give as much access to all 2016 contenders he could via his radio and television platforms, asking people to “dig deep” into making that decision. He also said he was convinced that someone who spoke at CPAC this year would win the presidency in 2016.

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