Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld argued that the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal shows a belief that the Clintons are “always above the rest of us” on Tuesday’s broadcast of “The Five.”

“She was always above the rest of us. she called herself transparent but happily skirted the rules. Yeah, skirts on the day this news broke, the artist who painted the official portrait of Bill Clinton confesses he snuck a shadow of Monica Lewinsky’s dress into that work of art…like that dress, the e-mails revealed a height of carelessness only the arrogant few can reach. A leader using private e-mail protects herself, but not her country. How do you know she didn’t transmit classified info? We’ll never know because those e-mails are gone. But can you blame her for being so covert? After all, the Clintons have to keep secrets, for they have so many to keep” Gutfeld stated.

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