Bloomberg News DC Bureau Chief Jonathan Allen expressed doubt that Hillary Clinton had a private e-mail account for convenience on Tuesday’s broadcast of “The Cycle” on MSNBC.

After anchor Krystal Ball pointed out “she is not planning to turn over her personal server, which means that she gets to be the ultimate arbiter of what is and isn’t work-related,” Allen responded “I think that’s the real reason that she’s got a personal server. I mean, it took eight days to come to the word convenience. That seems kind of convenient. That could have been tweeted out repeatedly in one tweet. The other thing she said that was interesting was that she’s taken unprecedented steps to show everyone her work-related e-mail, and of course, the reason for that is she took unprecedented steps to hide her work e-mail from the State Department, not to mention everybody else…I think the whole question of whether there’s one set of rules for Hillary Clinton and another set of rules for other government officials and for other people was brought up by her when she said that these records would have been preserved by her e-mailing other people on their government accounts, that of course only works because they all used their government accounts.”

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