Editor’s Note: On his personal website, radio host and founder of The Blaze penned a roaring rebuke to GOP strategist Karl Rove. Rove dismissed Beck’s declaration that Beck was “out of the Republican party” as “old news.” Beck rejoined by mentioning the progressive strain in Republican politics leading back to Teddy Roosevelt — then turned it up to 11 by attacking the Bush administration’s record in a fury. We reprint his tirade in part here. 

An open letter to Karl Rove: You want to rumble Rove? Come on to my show and let’s have it out.

Bring it on.

I would love to take you on WITH YOUR RECORD AND THE RECORD OF THE GOP.

I could do it with my eyes closed and in a coma.

You hung yourself on O’Reilly. By using my words to mock me, the audience heard my words. I would bet a good portion agreed with me. I was right at CPAC in 2011 and never invited back. What a shock!!!

If you don’t think that the Republicans are progressive light [sic] then you don’t know the history of the movement started by Teddy Roosevelt and the GOP. There are good men and women in the party that believe in the constitution. Are you one of them?

Do you seriously believe that Jeb Bush is not progressive light? [sic] Help me out with Common Core and Jeb Bush!

How about Orrin Hatch’s role in targeting Mike Lee? Can you name a better, more honorable man than Mike?

How about Mitch McConnell and his targeting of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee? How are things working out for all of the campaign promises? How about the deficit? The war? Defunding ObamaCare? Oh, didn’t the GOP vote to confirm Cass Sunstein? How is illegal immigration working out for you? (Actually, I know the answer: really well as your big corporate buddies love it. Especially down in the colonias). It is modern day slavery. Has Grover started any new Muslim Brotherhood front groups you and the Bushes can pass off as the good guys? How about some more FCC regulation on the Internet?

Can you tell me one thing you have done? I mean beside the PATRIOT Act, the NSA and not stopping the IRS from massive abuse of power.

Oh, I forgot! You did get to the bottom of Benghazi. Oops. Nope. It must be because you are swamped in actually fixing the VA system for all the men YOU put in harms way. Gosh, sorry. No, you aren’t even doing that.

Wow. How do you find your way out of bed in the morning? Well maybe you don’t go to bed, because I know I couldn’t sleep if I were you or any of your cronies.

So let me rephrase. You guys couldn’t find your way outside standing in an open door frame.

How is the health of the three equal branches of government?

I will say this; you are better than the president. You are only half as bad. You are only doing the fundraising dinners, while he is doing that AND playing golf. It is almost like you are progressive light [sic].

I know, you understand “strategy” and I don’t. I know, you can’t push for these things right now! You will lose the presidency in 2016.

No, now you have to compromise on things like immigration etc. so you can win the White House. THEN you will have the White House, the Senate and the House.

That is when you really go for it … Right? Next time. Not now. That when things really change! Just like they did when you had both branches under Bush!! Crap.

Another bad example. You guys have the spine of a worm, the ethics of whores, and the integrity of pirates. (My apologies to worms, whores and pirates.)

You are right about one thing.

I have said this before. You are also right that you don’t need to worry about me. You need to worry about the American public. Because they have had it up to their teeth with you, the GOP and the DNC lies.

Read the rest of Beck’s open letter here.