“It’s a sexist argument that a blonde can occupy the office,” ranted 2010 Alaska Assembly candidate Joshua Whittaker on video to Anchorage mayoral candidate and conservative State Assemblywoman Amy Demboski. She says she caught him walking toward one of her large campaign signs “with a box cutter.” This came after reports that at least 18 of Demboski’s signs had been vandalized.

Demboski’s campaign went to police last Friday in response to prolific, literally defaced campaign promotions. The candidate’s face had been cut out of large signs or crossed out with red paint. The campaign reports that the actions have cost thousands of dollars.

Later that Friday evening, the candidate approached the “man with a box cutter” as he approached one of her 4×8 campaign signs, according to a statement. Confronting the man, Demboski recorded his response, part of which was:

“Amy, I’ll give you some political advice. There is six, ten white males running for office. If you’d a put Demboski, without the pretty face with the pink lipstick and the Amy, you might’ve had a better chance of winning because it’s a sexist argument that a blonde can occupy the office. Pretty simple, right? That’s political advice, not stupid sh** like your dumba** sign.”



Within fifteen minutes of Demboski witnessing the attempted vandalism, at 7:15 pm the campaign states, Anchorage police were dispatched to the area according to the time police relayed to Alaska Dispatch News.

Whittaker, 54, was subsequently cited for criminal mischief and a court date is set for May 8. The election is Tuesday and a potential runoff is set for May 5.

“I’m glad a suspect has been apprehended,” Demboski stated, “though it is unclear whether he acted alone. It is a bit unsettling that he also made disparaging remarks about my female colleague on the Assembly. He appears to have a problem with women in public life.”

The Alaska News Dispatch reports that Whittaker drove down to their news office to make a statement. Whittaker denied damaging the sign and claimed it was placed illegally. “What she’s got is going to be dismissed,” he claimed. The Dispatch noted similarity of the car Whittaker drove to the station to one seen in surveillance video of a separate alleged sign vandalism incident. It also resembles the one in the most recent video of Demboski confronting Whittaker.

KTUU reported on the incident with images of the damaged signs:


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