Potential 2016 presidential candidate and former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina recently penned an op-ed in Time in which she chastises liberal environmentalists for making a species of fish a priority over human beings, resulting in billions of gallons of precious fresh water released to the Pacific Ocean–water that could have been used to help California during it’s fourth year of a devastating drought.

Fiorina writes:

While California is clearly experiencing another drought, the extreme water shortages are an ongoing and man-made human tragedy–one that has been brought on by overzealous liberal environmentalists who continue to devalue the lives and livelihoods of California residents in pursuit of their own agenda. It comes down to this: Which do we think is more important, families or fish?

Fiorina is referring to the delta smelt, an endangered fish that has been symbolic of California’s raging water wars, and that “environmentalists have continued to champion at the expense of Californians.” She noted that environmentalists’ efforts have directly resulted in the diversion of over 300 billion gallons of water away from desperately-in-need farmers living in the Central Valley (one of the places where the drought has hit hardest) and into the San Francisco Bay. “This water is simply being washed out to sea, instead of being channeled to the people who desperately need it,” she wrote.

With regard to the idea that climate change is to blame for the drought, Fiorina says, “Even if we could all agree that it has played a role in this drought, what all the scientists also tell us is that a single state, or single nation can make no difference at all.” She then warns that “if we want to accept the science, we have to read the fine print” and that innovation, not regulation, is the answer to combating climate change.

Liberals love to tell us how much they care. What they never mention is the crushed potential of those whose livelihoods their policies have destroyed.

Read her entire op-ed in Time here.

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