Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld argued Hillary Clinton’s “gender-specific” campaign is “insulting to women” on Friday’s broadcast of “The Five.”

After playing a clip of Hillary asking “don’t you someday want to see a woman President of the United States of America?” Gutfeld responded, “last time I checked there are 160 million Americans equally as qualified, if you’re just factoring in gender, and some can even handle two devices. Imagine interviewing a job applicant and asking ‘why should I hire you?’ And she responds ‘Because I’m a woman.’ That’s not enough I’m afraid.”

Gutfeld continued, “Hillary’s campaign has always been gender-specific, and it’s insulting to women. Forget issues like ISIS, Iran, Russia, you’re a woman, you only care about your chromosomes, you probably cried watching ‘The Notebook.’ But that other international stuff? Don’t worry your pretty little heads. Now, the women that I know they think a lot more about foreign policy and economics than campus-approved gender conflict…this is how the left works. They don’t see Americans, they see types of Americans that can only handle certain issues. If you’re black, it’s race, if you’re a woman it’s gender, if you’re Hispanic it’s immigration, politicians gleefully press the hot buttons the media supplies, splitting Americans into competing teams. To them, division is their alcohol, the cause and solution of all their problems. And if the Republicans don’t find a unifying voice who can counter such conflict, this divide and conquer will continue, until there’s nothing left to split.”

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