MIAMI, Florida — Lines stretch around the block as people are spending hours waiting outside the Freedom Tower in downtown Miami, where Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) will announce he is running for President at 6:00 p.m. ET Monday.

Many in attendance have supported Rubio since even before his national headline-making 2010 Senate race, back when he was Speaker of the Florida House and a state representative; some even before he entered politics. There is a definite sense of homecoming and celebration. The Cuban-American community is extremely proud that one of its own is running for the highest office in the land, and Florida Republicans are excited that their state will have two major presidential contenders, Rubio and (it’s assumed) former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

Breitbart News was able to briefly tour the Freedom Tower before the public and most of the media were allowed inside. Staffers were all calm but excited, as all the preparation was finally coming together. The Senator did a final walk through of the Freedom Tower a little before noon.

Sen. Marco Rubio leaves the Freedom Tower after his final walk through before his presidential announcement speech. Photo: Sarah Rumpf.

The theme for the campaign is “New American Century,” and Rubio staffers were handing out signs with a logo very similar to his 2010 Senate race. The logo was also on large banners behind the main stage (pictured above).

Rubio himself has been tweeting with the hashtag “#newamericancentury” all afternoon. 

He also posted another tweet just after 5:00 p.m. with a reference to the Space X launch happening today.

Rubio and his wife Jeanette completed an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. He will sit down with Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity immediately after the announcement.

Breitbart News is live in Miami to cover Rubio’s announcement.

Read Part I and Part II of Breitbart News’ exclusive interview with Senator Rubio.

Follow Sarah Rumpf on Twitter @rumpfshaker.