House Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC) seemed to suggest he would subpoena Hillary Clinton if he had to in order to get her to testify before the committee or in a transcribed interview on Wednesday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show.”

After Gowdy said “I gave her lawyer, David Kendall, until May the 1st to come talk to Congress in a private setting. We have, as you can imagine, a number of questions. And to the best of my knowledge, the only time she’s been questioned about this email arrangement was at a press conference at the United Nations,” he was asked, “if they do not respond, or if they decline, will she be subpoenaed?”

Gowdy responded, “I hope it does not come to that point, Hugh, but we most assuredly need to talk to her about Benghazi. And again, I want to be fair to her. She’s never indicated that she would not come. But I also am going to be very firm that it is a condition precedent to my being able to talk to her about Benghazi, for me to understand that I have all the documents I’m entitled to. And I can’t ask–”

Hewitt followed up, “I think you just said that she’d be subpoenaed if she did not meet your condition precedent. … Is that a good reading of what you just said?”

Gowdy stated, “we’re going to have to talk to her.  And I hope it does not come to the point of formal legal process, and I’ve got no indication from her that it would. But we are going to need to talk to her.”

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