Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin said that the GOP field has a group of young conservatives that included, but was not limited to, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio, who were “smarter, wiser, quicker on their feet, more principled than any group of young conservatives seeking the presidency I’ve seen since Reagan” on Wednesday.

After saying he received an email from a friend saying that the media would attack, “Cruz, and Rubio, and Paul, and the others who get in,” Levin said that while this is true, “our young conservatives are smarter, wiser, quicker on their feet, more principled than any group of young conservatives seeking the presidency I’ve seen since Reagan.  You see how quickly they push back, you see how sharp they are, you see how they’re capable of engaging. No wonder the Republican establishment can’t stand them, no wonder the Republican establishment wants to defeat them.”

Levin concluded, “if we can muscle through and break through, and nominate one of these solid young men or women to be the Republican nominee for president. I think they will kick Hillary Clinton from sea to shining sea.”

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