One of the two openly gay hoteliers who hosted Republican Senator Ted Cruz at a Manhattan event last week, has caved to the Gaystapo with the kind of sniveling, dishonest and humiliating apology demanded by the Gaystapo if you don’t want your life ruined.

“I am shaken to my bones by the emails, texts, postings and phone calls of the past few days. I made a terrible mistake,” wrote Ian Reisner on his Facebook page over the weekend.

Reisner went on to claim, quite ridiculously, that he was unaware of Cruz’s opposition to same sex marriage:

I’ve spent the past 24 hours reviewing videos of Cruz’s statements on gay marriage and I am shocked and angry. I sincerely apologize for hurting the gay community and so many of our friends, family, allies, customers and employees. I will try my best to make up for my poor judgment. Again, I am deeply sorry.

Reisner and his business partner, Mati Weiderpass, are prominent New York real estate developers and gay rights advocates. One of their hotels, OUT NYC, is famous for being gay-friendly.

Instead of hating Cruz, the hoteliers decided last week to host an event with the Republican presidential hopeful to discuss, among other things, their common ground on the issue of Israel. Once news leaked of the event, The Big Gay McCarthy Hate Machine, that chooses which opinions are appropriate for the gay community, immediately began the evil work of destroying the lives of these two men. Boycotts against their businesses were quickly organized and hate campaigns were launched via social media.

No one with a half a brain believes Reisner was unaware of Cruz’s personal opposition to same-sex marriage, or his political position in favor of allowing the states to determine the definition of marriage. What’s important to the Gaystapo is that Reisner was willing to grovel through such a ridiculous claim.

Like many others before him, Reisner’s entire life and career was about to get the Khristallnacht treatment, and he caved.

That’s what the Gaystapo wants; for its targets to prove their fealty by humiliating themselves. Once The Big Gay McCarthy Hate Machine knows you are broken and no longer defiant, they take the pressure off.

By terrorizing dissent and individual thought, followed by immediate relief once the target speaks the approved opinion, an important public example is set that warns other not to stray from the Thought Plantation.

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