During a “Virtual Field Trip” program with Discovery Education, President Obama revealed some of his favorite books.

“I’m still a big Dr. Seuss fan,” Obama said, “I was into the Sneeches and Horton and that stuff.”

The president admitted that he doesn’t have much time to read for fun, because he’s so busy with his job, but talked about some of the books he read growing up.

“I was into adventure stories. There was something called The Hardy Boys back in the day,” he said.

He added that he also enjoyed Treasure Island, Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit.

When he got older, he said, he liked books that focused on “adult experiences” such as classic books including “Of Mice and Men” and “The Great Gatsby.”

Obama also revealed that he enjoyed the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.

“The Harry Potter books were pretty cool too,” he said, explaining that he read them all to his daughter Malia as she grew up.