With the Baltimore riots as her backdrop, Hillary Clinton spoke out about the criminal justice system in the context of recent events in which black men died during police interventions.

In an address at Columbia University, Clinton, who is pro-abortion, said she places value on all human life:

Now even in the most painful times like those we are seeing in Baltimore, when parents fear for their children, when smoke fills the skies above our cities, when police officers are assaulted, even then, especially then, let’s remember the aspirations and values that unite us all, that every person should have the opportunity to succeed, that no one is disposable, that every life matters.

As Breitbart News reported last week, however, Clinton addressed the Women in the World Summit by asserting that “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” in order to accommodate abortion and contraception, what Clinton and the abortion industry euphemistically refer to as “reproductive health care for women.”

“Rights have to exist in practice, not just on paper,” the Democrat presidential candidate said about rights to abortion and contraception. “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will.”

In response to Clinton’s comments, Bishop Emmanuel Badejo, Director of Communications for the African Bishops, told Catholic media Aleteia:

My personal opinion of Hillary Clinton is: She is seeking election in America so you can expect that, like most politicians, she will say just about anything to pander to the thoughts of whatever audience she is speaking to.

So I really think that Hillary Clinton is just speaking for votes, rather than speaking for reason.

I believe there are three groups of people in this world: those who believe in God, those who do not believe in God, and those who think they are gods. Hillary Clinton I think is one of those who thinks she is a god. And I’m not obliged to believe that.

From the way she spoke, people like herself very clearly don’t want to hear anything about God. Even if they say they believe in God, they really don’t.

It’s evident even in her language: she talks about “deep seated cultural codes”. I feel she’s gotten too wrapped up in technology and has stopped realizing that there are values, there are things that are innate to people, that are not just “codes” that can be taken up and thrown out.

We talk about the dignity of life, the sanctity of life, etc. Is she saying they ought to be changed? Well, I don’t know what she is talking about. What are human beings going to change to?

We are saying that there is something innate in us as Africans that makes us Africans.

And I am saying that God, in His infinite wisdom — which I think might be a little bit more than Hillary Clinton’s — decided to create us in these forms to add to the beauty of his creation. So those who work to have one generalized, undifferentiated world certainly don’t know the meaning of beauty, which is found in variety, in color.

If these values are not precious to Hillary Clinton, I think she has no right at all to call for a change in religious values and religious beliefs.

She also called them “structural biases.” Again, that is a misuse of language. “Biases,” to many people, are the things that make them who they are.

So that’s as much importance as I attach to Hillary Clinton’s statement about cultural beliefs. It is my desire that the American people open their ears and their eyes and know exactly what kind of people are running to be the next President of the United States.