GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina argued that Hillary Clinton, and many other liberals believe that “unless you fit their orthodoxy, you don’t count as a woman” on Wednesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

Host Sean Hannity asked Fiorina about media figures who believed that Fiorina’s “not going to be president, but she can attack Hillary, because basically you’re not a man, and I felt that was sexist. What was your reaction to that?

She responded, “well, you know, it’s funny that you say that, Sean, because I must say I kind of react that way. People say, ‘well, you’re attacking Hillary.’ First of all, I’m not attacking Hillary. I’m asking questions. I’m asking very legitimate questions about her transparency, her trustworthiness, her track record. I’m not asking because I’m a woman. I’m asking because I come from a world where those things count.”

Later, Fiorina added, “You know, I think the word feminism, let’s just back up for a moment, to me, a feminist is a woman who chooses her own life. The life she chooses could be to have five children and stay home and homeschool them. The life she chooses could be to go on to work. But a woman should have the opportunity to choose her own life. Unfortunately, these words get politicized, and the word feminist got politicized by the National Organization for Women, and NOW is clearly a political organization. They want to put forward a particular political agenda. So, for example, Hillary Clinton during the 2014 elections said, when she was campaigning against Joni Ernst for Bruce Braley, she said, ‘well, it’s not enough to be a woman, you have to be a woman who believes,’ and she then went on and listed the liberal orthodoxy. And that is how these folks think, that unless you fit their orthodoxy, you don’t count as a woman, you don’t count as an African-American, you don’t count as a Hispanic. And of course, that’s ridiculous. We need to take gender and race out of all these conversations, we need to unify the nation once again. But Hillary Clinton will try to make gender the issue in her election.”

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