President Obama will make a trip to New Jersey next week to highlight the successes of the police force in Camden, New Jersey.

The Camden County Police Department announced on Twitter that the president will travel to their precinct on Monday.

During his visit, the president will likely highlight the department’s efforts to change the culture while rapidly reducing crime in the city. In 2012, Camden eliminated its city police force, replacing it with a county system.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has also used the rapid turnaround in Camden as a model for the country.

In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Wednesday, Christie highlighted his partnership with local leaders in Camden as a way to improve police department relationships with the community.

“We have more police officers on the street and on foot and on bicycle. They’re interacting with the public in a much different way and we’re seeing the police force and the community, predominantly minority community in Camden, really working together to reduce crime,” he said. “I think Camden is a great example of what can be done across the country. But it’s going to take work.”

Christie is scheduled to be in New Hampshire during Obama’s visit for a speech on foreign policy.