Very few women today know that even after taking the RU-486 abortion pill, the process can still be reversed, and they certainly will not hear it from their local Planned Parenthood representative.

As much as the abortion lobby may use the language of “choice,” their actions speak louder than their words, underscoring that for them the only real “choice” is abortion.

A surprising number of expectant mothers who initiate the process of chemical abortion by ingesting the RU-486 pill later regret their action and would like to do something about it. A recent scientific breakthrough has made that possible and has already saved dozens of lives.

But the abortion lobby has gone further than simply keeping mum about this option; they have actively tried to stifle it by attempting to smear the process as “junk science.”

Earlier this year, Arizona and Arkansas both passed “woman’s right to know” legislation requiring abortionists to inform women using RU-486 that they might be able to save their babies if they have a change of heart before ingesting the second drug. Far from welcoming this information, abortion advocates cite it as evidence that conservatives are waging a war on women.

The reason chemical abortions can sometimes be reversed is quite simple. The abortion is procured through a two-drug sequence that can be interrupted in the middle. Pregnant women attempting to terminate the life of the fetus first take one mifepristone pill and then follow it up two days later with another pill, this one of the drug misoprostol, a synthetic prostaglandin, which stimulates uterine contractions to expel the fetus.

The administration of only the mifepristone pill (RU-486) by itself often results in abortion, but a significant number of the times, it does not. Though exact data is unavailable, according to the Arizona Section of the pro-abortion American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), RU-486 on its own will result in continued pregnancies 30% to 50% of the time.

This is the first piece of important information that Planned Parenthood “chooses” to withhold from its clientele.

But scientists have also discovered a way to block the abortifacient effects of the RU-486 pill that goes beyond letting nature take its course and simply not taking the second pill. Since mifepristone works by blocking the production of the progesterone hormone needed to sustain a pregnancy, they found that the direct administration of progesterone can raise levels of the hormone sufficiently to keep the baby alive.

The first doctor to successfully reverse the effects of RU-486 through a progesterone protocol was Matthew Harrison, who helped a 20-year-old woman named Ashley save the life of her daughter after she had already taken the abortifacient pill in 2007.

Dr. Mary Davenport, president of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), subsequently co-authored a paper on the new process in 2013, which appeared in The Annals of Pharmacotherapy. Though the trial number was still small, the results were extremely promising, with four of six women undergoing the therapy able to reverse the effects of RU-486.

Altogether, there have now been 282 documented attempts at reversal treatment through the administration of a progesterone protocol, which have resulted in a nearly 60 percent success rate, confirming the results of earlier trials. This means that even using conservative estimates for mifepristone’s inefficiency at killing, dozens of babies have already been spared through the technology, though it is still relatively unknown.

Using this technology, doctors have also developed a medical kit available to physicians to help patients reverse the deadly effects of mifepristone.

Though abortion activists often claim that once women have made up their minds to have an abortion, they will go through with it, the facts do not always bear this out.

Dr. George Delgado, a UC-Davis-trained MD, set up a single hotline in 2012 and has already had 833 calls from expectant mothers looking for a way to save their children after taking mifepristone.

Now they have a choice.

Follow Thomas D. Williams on Twitter @tdwilliamsrome.