The State Department will finally commit to a schedule for the release of over 55,000 pages of emails that were either sent or received by Hillary Clinton on her private server.

The State Department had initially proposed that the emails be released at one time en masse by January 2016, but federal District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras ruled on May 19 that the State Department must release the emails on a “‘rolling basis’ every 60 days.”

Clinton has protested that she told the State Dept. to “please move as quickly as they possible can” to make the emails public, adding, “As much as they can expedite that process, that’s what I’m asking them to do. I have said repeatedly I want those emails out. Nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than I do. I want the American people to learn as much as we can about the work that I did.”

The judge’s decision was triggered by a lawsuit brought by Jason Leopold, an investigative reporter with Vice News. Ryan James, representing Leopold, said, “Our position was based on the belief that it’s unreasonable for the State Department to withhold all of the emails from Secretary Clinton’s email server until January 2016. That’s why we asked for rolling disclosures as they are reviewed.”

Clinton first supplied the emails to the State Department last December. Last Friday, roughly 850 pages of correspondence were finally made public, including data revolving around Clinton’s dealings with Libya and the Benghazi attacks.